Nov 18, 2005

Winter is case you haven't noticed. I've been wearing more clothes, enjoying my new earwarmers, drinking more in the evenings to warm myself up, and slowly fattening up to protect myself from the elements. Ah winter. How I've missed thee. And how I wish I hadn't gotten rid of all of my fat pants.

I'm antsy for a pair of suede pointy-toe wedge-heel boots but I can't find any anywhere. And I really really want them. I saw an incredibly large woman on the bus wearing them, and I swear I can do them better justice. Even though they were still super cute clinging tightly to her rather large ankles.

Although I hate the whole Ugg thing, and I'm not one for cowboy boots in the city, I am liking these right now:
I can't really explain it.

Tonight is full of social obligations, drinks with a former coworker who I miss terribly, dinner date at a new restaurant with the Hubb, bars with friends, etc. Sleeping in tomorrow is the gold at the end of this rainbow of a winter Friday evening.

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