Jan 10, 2006

I'm increasingly listy, so here's another, albeit short, one:

a. Celebrity news reporter sighting! I saw Ana Belaval at Habit yesterday morning. I saw her on TV, then I go to catch the bus and she's totally there! She is by far my favorite WGN reporter. I have a mild crush on her and her adorable Puerto Rican accent.

b. I am going to Paris next winter for a girls' trip. It is destined to be amazing and I can't wait to eat crepes, visit the Louvre, and drink plenty of wine with my girlfriends.

c. My mom is an incredibly spiritual, holistic, all natural kind of woman, and she keeps telling me about how fasting for a day can give you all kinds of both physical and mental health benefits. And after slowly growing into my "fat pants" this winter, I think I may try it.

d. I'm still in love with Small Things. This necklace in particular, in a red cherry blossom, please.

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