Jul 7, 2006

not feeling very conversational, so i give you a few things that are absorbing my attention on The Internet lately:

design sponge. i am in love with the images and links and wonderful wonderful ideas for ways to spend my money.

fancy toast. new food blog that i've read completely at least half a dozen times. hilarious and educational and lots of great recipes. cucumber gimlets? i'm on it. chicken thighs? me, too.

go fug yourself. oh my god. my coworkers probably think i'm nuts laughing out loud and snorting as i do every time i visit this site. but i can't stop. i've not traditionally been a celebrity watch sort of girl, but i can't stand how hilariously snarky this stuff is. and really, what are celebrities for if not to laugh at?

greener grass design. just to look at the things i can't buy right now. beautiful stuff, especially the jewelry. they sell my precious long lusted after smallthings necklaces, and how freaking adorable is this little gem? beautiful stuff.

less links and more photos. now that i'm supposed to start really saving money for our new home, i've discovered there are way too many things that I MUST HAVE NOW.

that's just how it goes, i guess.

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